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Sobbatical Impact Travel e.U.
Sobbatical is the all-in-one partner for companies, corporate volunteers and nonprofit organisations. Comprehensive support and assistance before and during the volunteering assignment in the EU included.
25 July – 18 August 2023
My role
UX Researcher, UX/UI Designer, Graphic Designer
Canva Pro,

Problem Statement

Design Thinking process

Target groups
The company focuses on three major target groups, which led to segmenting the process into three distinct stages. The phase dedicated to the target group “Employees” is coming to an end, while the progression for the other two target groups remains ongoing.
1. Discover
Research Basics
a. Defining the objective
Research goal: How familiar and how interested are employees in cross-boarder corporate volunteering?
Research questions:
- Why would an employee want to apply for such a volunteer program?
- How popular is this type of volunteering?
- How open are employees to such programs?
- What do the studies say about this type of volunteering?
- What types of volunteering do employees access?
- How does this type of volunteering work?
Target groups: Employees / Ex-employees / Non-employees
Basic conditions: 2 x 50 Euro Amazon vourchers
b. Research plan
Method: Desk research + Primary research: Survey
Sample & Selection of participants: 234 participants
Rough concept: Topics like corporate volunteering, cross-boarder volunteering
Resources & Material: Survey guideline
Schedule: 28-1.08.
Limitations: Promoting the survey on LinkedIn, Slack, Family & Friends
c. Preparation for research
d. Research & Data collection
I initiated the survey process using Google Form. Respondents participated by providing their answers through this form.
e. Data analysis
I reviewed the provided responses, identifying instances where answers were lacking in completeness. Afterwards, I categorized these responses into distinct age groups as part of our sorting process.
2. Define

Job to be done
When I’m seeking personal growth and fulfillment,
I want to engage in corporate volunteering,
so I can contribute to meaningful causes and make a positive impact on the community.
When I’m aiming to develop new skills and expand my horizons,
I want to participate in cross-border volunteering,
so I can gain valuable experiences in different cultures and environments.
When I’m looking to enhance team bonding and collaboration,
I want to join group volunteering activities,
so I can strengthen relationships with my colleagues while working towards a shared goal.
When I’m seeking to align my values with my workplace,
I want to be part of a corporate volunteering program,
so I can support initiatives that resonate with my personal beliefs.
When I want to feel more satisfied with my job and workplace,
I want to engage in corporate volunteering,
so I can experience a sense of purpose and fulfillment beyond my daily tasks.
When I’m seeking recognition for my contributions and efforts,
I want to participate in corporate volunteering,
so I can receive acknowledgment for making a positive difference.
When I’m interested in honing my professional skills in practical scenarios,
I want to engage in skill-based volunteering,
so I can apply my expertise to real-world challenges.
When I want to expand my network and connect with like-minded individuals,
I want to take part in corporate volunteering,
so I can meet people who share my passion for giving back.
When I’m interested in exploring different regions and cultures while making a difference,
I want to participate in cross-border volunteering,
so I can combine travel with meaningful work.
“How Might We” Questions
What motivates employees to participate in cross-border corporate volunteering, and how can organizations create attractive and effective programs that align with their preferences, address concerns, and encourage personal growth, community engagement, and positive global contributions?
The question aims to uncover the reasons why employees choose to participate in cross-border volunteering. This includes understanding what inspires individuals to take a break from their job to volunteer abroad, the types of destinations they are interested in, and the duration they are willing to commit. The question also addresses how organizations can create cross-border volunteering programs that resonate with employees. This involves considering factors such as program duration, destination choices, support for different stages of life, and addressing potential challenges or barriers that might discourage participation.
Stakeholder Map

User Stories
User Story Map
Learn about Sabbatical Framework Conditions
- User Story 1: As an employee, I want access to a comprehensive guide or portal that provides information about the sabbatical policy, eligibility criteria, duration, and application process in my company.
Explore and Select Relevant Assignments
- User Story 1: As an employee, I want to browse and search for available assignments that match my skills and interests through an easy-to-navigate online platform.
- User Story 2: As an employee, I want to view detailed information about each assignment, including the project description, location, required skills, and duration.
Request Sabbatical Approval
- User Story 1: As an employee, I want to initiate a sabbatical request through the online platform, providing the desired start and end dates, and attaching relevant documents.
- User Story 2: As a manager, I want to receive a notification about the sabbatical request and have the ability to review, approve, or reject the request through the platform.
Manage Sabbatical Preparation
- User Story 1: As an employee, I want access to a checklist of tasks and deadlines for sabbatical preparation, including checking immigration regulations and obtaining necessary documents.
- User Story 2: As an employee, I want to sign a volunteering agreement with the hosting NGO electronically through the platform.
- User Story 3: As an employee, I want to have an online chat feature to communicate directly with the hosting NGO to discuss assignment details and requirements.
- User Story 4: As an employee, I want to receive timely notifications and reminders when tasks need to be completed during the sabbatical preparation process.
Receive Notifications for Matching Assignments
- User Story 1: As an employee, I want to receive personalized notifications when new assignments are available that match my skills and interests.
- User Story 2: As an employee, I want the option to set preferences for the types of assignments I want to be notified about (e.g., specific locations, project types).
User Flow
I built user flows for each action in the app. These flows show every step users take, how they interact with features, and the choices they make. The visuals map out the screens, interactions, decisions, and potential results, providing a thorough grasp of the user experience for each app action. Below is a passage from the user flow.

Sketching / Wireframes
During the sketching phase, I explored solutions for the visual appearance of the screens. Following that, I converted the sketches into wireframes using Figma.

4. Prototype
5. Test
Usability test
Throughout the testing phase, I identified issues within the login screen functionality. It became evident that users were encountering difficulties in promptly locating the registration and login functionalities. To address this concern, I made the strategic choice to develop a consolidated screen that seamlessly incorporates both login and registration, effectively catering to the needs of all three distinct target user groups.