Design creates culture.
Culture shapes values.
Values determine the future.

UI/UX Designer


changing the
future together

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My Projects

UI/UX Design

Graphic | Web Design

Group Projects

Smart Home by Hornbach – ms.Gis

SMART HOME by hornbach enables the manufacturer-independent control of various applications, products and systems for everything to do with the house and garden – via a central app.

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Personal Projects


Sobbatical Impact Travel e.U.

Sobbatical is the all-in-one partner for companies, corporate volunteers and nonprofit organisations. Comprehensive support and assistance before and during the volunteering assignment in the EU included.

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Designing for the Future

As a UI/UX designer, I believe in the power of design to shape the future. In today’s fast-paced digital world, it is more important than

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check out some more Designs

thinking outside
the box is our motto

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1. Strategic planning

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2. 360 solutions

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3 . vision creation

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“Your Design Should Tell The Story Of Who You Are And Be A Collection Of What You Love”
